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Holy Spirit Fire Ministries

Holy Spirit Fire Ministries Foundational Statement

Holy Spirit Fire Ministries was registered and legally founded in Germany, in 2017. It launched its public activities in May 2018.

Founding scriptures

Matthew 3:11 (NIVUK)

"‘I (John the Baptist) baptise you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He (Jesus) will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire."

Zechariah 4:6 (NIVUK)

“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty.'"


  • Surrender of every aspect of life to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Love and exalt Jesus as Lord of all, above all else.
  • Supernatural freedom from sin, disease, infirmities, oppression, depression, bondages and every other kind of evil.
  • The person, role, work, gifts, holiness and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Holy Bible, is understood and experienced by Christians.
  • A strong desire for the reverential presence of the Holy Spirit in individuals lives and corporately. Making room for, and showing respect for the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Godliness, holiness, the fear of the Lord and the supernatural power of God is a living reality in the lives of Christians.
  • Revival fire in the hearts of individuals, in Christian gatherings and in churches.
  • Intimate relationship with and communion with the triune God.
  • Restoration of faith in the bible, as the inerrant word of God.

Dieter in IsraelPrincipal activities

  • Preaching, disseminating, demonstrating and teaching the biblical message of the good news of Jesus Christ through public and private meetings, print, film, social media and any other legal means.  
  • Supernaturally setting people free by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus; facilitating deliverance from sin, disease, infirmities, oppression, depression, and harassment by unwanted spirits and every other kind of evil.
  • Raising awareness of, making room for, creating a deep desire for, furthering and honouring the person of the Holy Spirit, as well as his role, work, gifts, holiness and fellowship, as revealed in the Holy Bible. Teaching from scripture, so that the Holy Spirit is understood and experienced by Christians.
  • Fostering a strong desire for the reverential presence of the Holy Spirit in individuals lives and corporately, in churches and Christian gatherings. Teaching people and practically demonstrating what it means to create room for, respect the person of, and the work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Demonstrating, imparting and teaching godliness, the fear of the Lord and the supernatural power of God, as a living reality in the lives of Christians.
  • Set alight, rekindle and foster a yearning for revival fire in the hearts of individuals, Christian gatherings and in churches.
  • These activities shall be conducted where reasonably possible, in collaboration with local churches and local Christians, but also as stand-alone activities of this ministry.


This is a non-governmental, independent Christian charitable organization, not for profit, duly incorporated and registered according to the laws of Germany in 2017.

Principal Area of Operation

The main focus of all ministry endeavors shall be central and western Europe, but ministry activity will also include the rest of Europe and beyond.

This ministry has a base and registered address; however, it is an itinerant ministry and its activities will be conducted whenever and wherever the Lord directs.

Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf: “I have but one passion: It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ.”

See also: Short statement as to the passions of Holy Spirit Fire Ministries founder and director, Dieter Achtzehn, under the Menu, 'Dieter'.

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